. .
Potential spoilers ahead.
So Marvel
have let the cat out of the bag and shown us the heroes that are part of the third
phase of their movie universe, In my opinion there are a few solid hits in there. And as the
self-proclaimed Marvel aficionado that I am I will now give my take on the house
of M.
Black Panther: As a key player in the modern Avengers mythos
and often cast in the role of the moral compass, the character Black Panther is
perhaps not the best known outside of the comics community but have the honour
of being the first African superhero in mainstream Marvel comics when he was released back
in the mid 60´s. He would later be followed by African-american superheroes
such as Falcon, Luke Cage and Storm of the X-Men. Not only a superhero Black Panther is also the de-facto
ruler of the small but advanced fictional nation of Wakanda. It is not an uncommon theme in the Black Panther comics
that he is beings forced to choose between his duties as an Avenger and as the ruler of his people. But the Black Panther have remained true to his call as a fair ruler and as a hero, never sacrificing his people for the greater good.
So what
kind of material for a movie franchise is there in this? Well… A lot I would
say. Not only is Wakanda linked to the larger Marvel universe by the metal
Vibranium. This fictional material is highly dampening and able to disperse impact force. This is the reason why the comic version of Captain America can block
pretty much anything with his shield without breaking... well... everything,
since it is made up of a Vibranium and Adamantium alloy. This mythical metal is also
the reason why pretty much any villain known to the Marvel universe has at one
point or another invaded Wakanda.
But I digress… From a story standpoint Black
Panther is something very different from the current roster of the Marvel
cinematic universe. He is for a lack of better word... Pure. A real good guy
driven by the highest moral fiber. A man who see the good in his people, even the
ones who thirst for his power and the throne of Wakanda. But unlike Captain
America he is very much in tune with the times and can in the right hands give
a fresh take on what in movies often end up as the noble savage. He will also
most likely play a important role in the aftermath of the second Avengers movie
if the trailer is anything to go by (a hint.. I did mention Cap´s shield is
part vibranium) and it is hinted that he will take the role of the mediator in
the third Captain America movie.
Captain America 3: Civil War: Following the comic event by the
same name this will deal with the fallout of a world being face by beings of
unmeasurable power and the horrors they release. It pretty much comes back to the
exchange between Nick Fury and crew in the first Avengers movie. When asked why SHIELD was
developing hyper-advanced weapons, Nick points to Thor and simply states “because
of you”. The comic arc is about superhero registration and take a not very
subtle stab at things such as the Patriot act and it´s successors. In the comics the
trigger is a very powerful moment. We follow a team of young heroes known as the new warriors
that have been given a reality show. But it is not doing very well and to boos the ratings they get in way over their head. The result is
that a villain called Nitro detonates and levels a large chunk of the community Stamford. Within the blast radius is a school and among the dead is over
half a hundred kids.
This triggers an outrage among the general population and
pushes the politicians to enact the hero registration act. Now exactly how this
will play out in the movie I do not know but at its core Civil war pits Captain
America against Iron Man as the former take a stand against the registration and
the later moves in to a position of power within the government as a result of the act.
The aftermath of Nitro´s blast |
I think
this will be an epic story, I have always felt that parts of Civil war would
make for a really good movie and to see it as the conclusion to the Captain´s arc I feel is
the perfect choice. It will give heroes a chance to take a stance for what they
think is right without being necessarily wrong.
Let us hope she get a more practical outfit. |
Captain Marvel: Originally known in the comics as Ms Marvel,
Captain Marvel will be Marvel cinematic universe first female lead. Based on
Carol Danvers, a fighter pilot who gain superpowers after an encounter with
the alien Kree race (Ronan from GotG was a Kree… They are blue and very pissed off.) And over the years she has fought off everything from shape shifting aliens to
demi-gods and elemental forces. She is also the person from whom the comic version
of X-Men´s Rouge got her strength, ability to fly and being nearly impervious
to harm. So she is traditionally shown as a flying powerhouse who can toss the
Hulk and shoot beams of pure energy from her hands.. At this point there is very
little known about the movie and how it will fit in to the larger story. Her
powers are very much cosmic but as Marvel them-self pointed out, most of her
adventures are with the Avengers on earth.
There is no
lack of stories to pick from and seeing a female superhero in a lead role will
be a breath of fresh air. In the right hands this could become a game changer.
Doctor Strange: Another less known character with big
impact in the Marvel universe. In the comics Steven Strange is a neurosurgeon with
almost a god complex, seeing himself as infallible while holding a scalpel. A
car accident robs his hands of the dexterity they need for him to continue his
work. Crushed he travels the world to find someone who can restore his hands,
and by extension his life. But rather than finding a cure he stumbles in to a
world of mystic energies as he seeks out an old mystic. Strange had been told that the old mystic would have
healing abilities. The vain and petty surgeon soon find himself studying under
the mystic and would later shoulder the mantle of sorcerer supreme, the
guardian of magic on earth.
Yes that is
about as stupid as it sounds and I was not at all very interested in this movie
until I heard who they are in talks to play the good doctor… No other then
Benedict Cumberbatch. While he is a little young to play the doctor Strange he
most definitely have the chops to pull it off and his particular brand of
subdued but powerful delivery would fit the character to a tee, Of course there is still no real confirmation on if Benny is in fact going to do the role, but i keep my fingers crossed.
No clue of how
this one will fit in with the rest of the movies either but the realm of magic is one little explored
outside of the Thor movies and could make for an interesting backdrop. Strange
himself wields near limitless power in the comics and that of course will have to be
adjusted for the movie universe but could be connected to the character Scarlet
Witch, a character who can tap in to chaos magic via her mutant ability,
altering probability and to a limited degree reality. Strange could act as a
mentor to her.
Inhumans: And then we went off the deep end… The
Inhumans are a race of people that live on the moon in a microcosms called the
blue area. They are an experiment on how to grant humans superhuman abilities
carried out by a race of beings knows as the Celestials (or Kree depending on
version... Are we seeing a theme here… ) Very little to say here as I am fairly
unfamiliar with the property. But they are a family group, they tend to butt
head with different cosmic threats like Thanos and they are led by Black Bolt
who is a mute since his voice shatter mountains. It could be a very interesting
movie but my bet is that it will end up a dud unless put in to VERY capable
hands. Of all the new movies announced
it is the one I have the least faith in. It is simply too weird. Then again..
they made Guardians of the galaxy work… so who knows
Some of the Inhumans. Black Bolt in the foreground |

This movie
have been through development hell and back. I have the utter most faith in
Edgar Wright to be able to produce a funny bit slightly dark story about a man
that can shrink to the size of an ant… But I have no idea if one will be a hit
or miss. I guess it will come down to marketing. Any way it will be another
stand out that is only loosely connected to the other movies in the universe. Not
very good odds on this one.
Thor 3 – Ragnarok: Not much to say… it will have more
Hiddleston as Loki… I am happy. After Dark World it can pretty much just go up
in my mind.
Guardians of the galaxy 2: Literally no clue about what this
one will be about. Groot and Rocket I guess… It will most likely tie very
closely in to…
Avengers 3 infinity war part 1&2: The “final” chapter of the Marvel
cinematic universe and it will probably pitch everyone at Thanos… By all account a loose adaptation of the
infinity saga this will wrap up a storyline that started with the Tesseract and
will end with Thanos having control over pretty much all of creation… Something
you usually do not want a genocidal maniac to have. This will either be ass-kicking
awesome or very much MEH depending on how much they have milked the concept and
managed to keep the phase three movies fresh. A slight superhero fatigue could be setting in by the time the third Avengers movie comes around. It is also as I mentioned a two
part story and I am ok with that even if it r4esults in having to wait an extra
year to see all of it. It does give them proper time to tell a story.
That was
the long and short of it. All in all it looks like phase three will shape up in
to a feast for the fans of marvel superheroes in particular and with DC´s push
for the Justice League super hero fans in general.
But next up
we have Avengers: Age of Ultron and it looks like it will be bloody awesome.