So in this
day and age news move with a speed that would have the Flash lagging behind. Since
I do not run a daily blog it sometimes feel like I am the last on the puck so
to speak. That is why most of my postings are fluff or opinions. But it also
leaves me somewhat frustrated once in a while.
Today I am
going to talk about a pair of news items that are not really new anymore.
First up we
have the casting of the next movie in the DC cinematic universe that started
with Man of steel and will be followed by the Batman/Superman movie. Coming up
is the movie based on Taskforce X, better known as the suicide squad. If you
have kept tabs on CW´s Arrow you will be familiar with some of the name. It is
the clandestine government black-ops unit that use convicts with special skills
to do that what ordinary forces cannot.
In most
incarnations of the task force the people who “volunteer” is told that each
mission take some time of the sentence (and seeing as a lot of them serve
several life sentences… ) but they are also fitted with a micro explosive
attached to their spine at the base of the neck. Should one of the operatives
get out of line… tick, tick, boom. The Suicide squad is usually a good way in
the comics to retire minor or less popular villains should the need arise.
Mortality rates are very high, hence the nickname. But you usually find some
high profile names rotating in and out of the squad such as Deadshot and Harley
Quinn. So who are in the squad this time around.?
Let us kick
it of at the top with
Waller: It is unclear exactly what role Waller will play (or who will play her)
but she is the typical tough as nails director. The kind that would stare the
Joker in to submission and call Batman a pansy richboy. There are in essence two versions of her. The
classic and in my mind best version is a middle-aged heavyset woman. Built like
a brick in a suite she is both a harsh taskmaster but also one to have a
motherly side to the nutcases she “care” for. The other is a “vitalized”
version of her, 30-ish and a much more fit and active player who are not afraid
to get hands on when the situation need it. This version is seen in the Arrow
show and DC´s new 52 universe reboot. Rumors have it that WB is looking for a
slightly older woman to play the role but nothing is confirmed as of yet. But
there cannot be a Taskforce X without Amanda Waller.

The Joker (played
by Jared Leto): The clownprince of crime should not need much of a introduction
and is this films odd man out seeing as he is not a Taskforce X regular due to
being… Well.. Fucking nuts … More so then most other psychopaths in TF:X. What
role he will have in the movie… I´d guess he will be “the brain” and make the
plans, seeing as he is a brilliant strategist and highly intelligent. As for Jared
Leto, I had not seen him in much I could remember so I had to turn to google
and I have to say he has the looks for a younger more energetic Joker. Perhaps
along the lines of Bruce TImms Joker from Batman TAS and Justice League TAS(voiced
brilliantly by Mark Hamill). I am very intrigued to see how he will tackle the

Quinn (played by Margot Robbie): The Jokers constant shadow/lover/partner/enemy
who originated in the Batmna Animated series by Bruce Timm. Harley Quinnsel was an Arkham Asylum psychiatrist
who tried to do a Clarice Starling but was played and pushed over the edge by
the manipulative and charismatic Joker. Once she snapped she fully embraced the
insanity. At first glance Harley Quinn look like nothing more than eye candy
for the Joker, but is a competent psychiatrist and well versed in psychoanalysis.
She is also a fairly competent fighter. The actor playing her is Margot Robbie
and just like the Joker this girl as a blank for me. But having seen her in a
few YouTube clips I think she can nail the seductive and dominant but also bat
shit crazy Harley Quinn. Perhaps not my top pick but I think it will work out well.

(played by Jai Courtney(: Better known as Captain Boomerang this Flash villain
and all-round unpleasant fellow is an assassin for hire that uses different
trick-boomerangs… Yes… He is also Australian… Who would have thought? He is also a reoccurring TF:X member even if
his main association is the villain group “ the rogues” from the Flash comics
and the CW TV series. A fairly competent fighter with a good eye for angles and
thinking three steps ahead. In the comics there have been two or three
different villains carrying the name of Boomerang and it is a bit unclear what
version this will be based on. He is going to be played by Jai Courtney and
form what I have seen from him he will be a good fit in the looks department and
while Boomerang tends to be the somewhat surly and even a bit whiney in the
comics I have no doubt that Jai can pull that off if they go that way. I
personally hope they make him a bit more towards the angry and suspicious side
of things.

Deadshot (Played
by Will Smith): Probably the biggest casting WTF for me. Deadshot is a TF:X
mainstay that have been in most of the versions I have come across. The world’s
deadliest assassin and rumored to never miss a target (unless it is wearing bright
spandex and has its own comic book title) Deadshot is a broken man, suicidal
and homicidal he is often portrayed as having very little care for the life of
others, this goes double for his team. But he live by a strict code of conduct
that stipulates that every job should be completed. He is usually portrayed as
a fairly smart and competent leader. A above average strategist and a master of
ballistic weapons…. All of them… But especially a pair of wrist mounted guns
linked to a HUD. He is played by Will Smith, whom I have a hard time seeing as
the gruff and downright unlikeable Deadshot. He did show a little bit of that
in among other Hancock… I have my doubts about this but he is at least a
seasoned actor. Perhaps a bit to seasoned as I fear they will tweak the
character to fit Will rather than the other way around.

Rick Flagg
(played by Tom Hardy): A fairly unknown name outside of comic’s geeks. Flagg is
the no nonsense leader of Taskforce X and Amanda’s representative once the team
leaves the “nest” so to speak. A fanatical patriot Flagg is the sort of man
that think that the ends always justifies the means. He does not have much personality or
motivation beyond that most of the time. He will be played by Tom Hardy who we
last time saw as Bane in the third Nolan Batman movie… .. . The less we say about
that one the better. While I hated the take on Bane he did I have no problem seeing
him playing a stern and no bullshit military man that put his mission before
his “men”.

(played by Cara Delevigne): The only person with real superpowers in this
lineup as she is a spell-caster and wilder of magic. I know very little about
this character beyond that she have at times flip-flop between hero and villain
due to her magic corrupting her from time to time. No clue if they will stick
with the magic angle or explain it some other way. The same goes for the actor
playing her. A utter unknown but she at least has the look.
There is
also a rumor that Lex Luthor will be involved and played by Jesse Eisenberg. I
think that will be good.
Now this
lineup to me sounds pretty solid apart from two things, both tied to the same
problem. Both the character of the Joker and Will Smith as an actor feel a lot
to me like “poster names” to pull in the “normal” person on the street who will
be unfamiliar with who both the characters and the actors are. But I hope I am
wrong and that they both fill a purpose beyond the obvious name recognition.

Now I am
not dissing this movie and I was one of the people who did not outright hate
Man of Steel, I think it was an interesting take on the mythos that had some
small but important flaws… And the solution to Zod was not one of them. But the
thing is that DC have not had a good solid run with their movies and the choice
to split the movie and TV universe is understandable but sad as this is one of
the things I really like with Marvel´s cinematic universe, it is all connected
more or less. Dc not doing this is something I think will come back and bite
them in the arse later. Also beyond the stuff that CW is doing their live
action TV stuff have been less than a smash hit for me. Time will tell I guess
but no matter what there has never been a time like now to be a comic´s geek.
So leaving
that I just like to give my reaction to the rumour that Occulus acquired hand
reading sensor tech in development.
More on
this as it develops. Literally =P
That was that... Cheers =)